Monday, 4 August 2014

Jewellery Tree!

Hey everyone! Todays blog is going to be on something that I have not really covered before! JEWELLERY! One of my friends gave me the most beautiful jewellery trees for my birthday last year and I thought 'why not tell the internet about it?'

I will insert a picture of it here๐Ÿ‘‡
This picture is just to give you an idea of one you can style a jewellery tree and how it might look on a regular day on a vanity with three mirrors! Mine has one central and two side mirrors and the jewellery trees resting on the (my) left hand side mirror near the window! It also gives you an idea of how much you can put on it and the access to each piece of jewellery you have! 

I'm really sorry that I don't know where the tree is from! It was a birthday present from a good friend who found it in the window of a small shop! I took another picture of it against my wall so you could see it more clearly!
As you can see it is cream painted metal that has a bowl at the bottom of it (presumably for rings) that has hearts cut all the way around the rim! 

(I will take some close ups so you know what I'm chattering about ☺️) 

Starting from the bottom - I use the bowl to rest a small pouch in which I keep earing backs! They are really handy and the pouch is a great way to keep the secure! 
I also fold the legs of my sunglasses (I dont know where they are from, sorry) round the stem of the tree and let the rest  in the bowl! They are a frosty clear colour and the lenses are a purple shade! 
I have a couple of shots of the middle of the tree that are all necklaces and bracelets and earrings! 
Here I'm just showing that in each leaf there are two holes for your earrings to go in! It's so cite and handy! You don't need big boxes taking up vanity space and your studs are safe as can be! I usually hand dangly ones on branches!

All over the tree there are branches and twigs and leaves and birds all perching carefully peering at the fine jewellery!

Below you will see a close up and a shot further away of my other pair of sunglasses (H&M rose gold) rest precariously on the branches and birds! Very close to it is my "Isabella" bracelet with different stones! 
And the last picture is the very top - where one bird sits with my bangles on its' tail and a necklaces draped across its' neck!

This jewellery tree is perfect for my room and really livens my vanity! 

(Side note: I do have a few other necklaces and rings which I will picture below in their habitats!)

Thank you for reading! Come back next Sunday for a vanity blog (including make up collection) xxx

Rings and a few bracelets:

A few necklaces:


1 comment:

  1. Its from 'present company' on Pitsanger Lane, Ealing!! Ly xxx
