Saturday, 6 September 2014

Keeping healthy and hydrated!

Hey everyone - really sorry I missed blogging last Sunday! I was quite busy and starting school this week too! But I thought that's doing a blog this week in keeping healthy would make up for it?!

Anyway - I did one of these before and no one complained so I thought I would do another! I think that it is really important to have an active, healthy and happy lifestyle! Obviously I'm in school - which provides sport activities of its own - but does not provide a lot of time for my own excersize which I enjoy a lot more! But my main aim is just to keep active! I am also not old enough for most gyms - but my time will come!

Anyway - I do hockey, tennis, swimming (gross), netball, rounders and gym in school! I also did Yoga and Pilates last year! This year I am going to focus on my running in and outside of school! I love that they give us this option! 

That basically covers my excersize regime I suppose - now onto eating and keeping hydrated!

With eating - it the single most important thing that you have a balanced diet! So many people cut out fats, sugars and carbohydrates that we need in our bodies! People also forget about iron intake - which is so important - but everyone forgets!

With fats - we need them to protect or bodies and also we'd get really cold with in! For people searching to loose weight - they are usually cutting out the wrong fats. Saturated fats that you find in haribos and crisps are the ones that are not so good for you! Whereas the fat on meat or vegetables is really good for you and you need it in your body! Sugar is also very important - but try not to overload on it all at once! By this I mean manufactured sugar like the one you find in Galaxy bars (which are my face) not natural sugars that your find in grapes! You need sugar for energy! And carbs! My biggest bug bear is people who cut out carbs from their diet to have a "summer body" or loose weight! You need carbohydrate - also one the most important sources of energy!!!

 Without any of this - you would have an extremely unhealthy diet! This not only affects your health - but your mood, your liveliness, your skin, your nails, your hair! It is so important to have a diet that includes everything! But I am also not saying you should cut out haribos, or chocolate or crisps - I'm simply saying that these are things that contain the fats and sugars that are not as good! You shouldn't eat heaps of them, (especially at one time) but it's not bad to have them as a treat or a dessert or at a sleepover!

I also just want to say that iron from spinach or red meat is really important and if you don't eat either - take Floradix as a supplement!

Now on to drinking lots of water! I have two VOSS water bottles that I alternate throughout the day - I'll list the times of day I would have a whole VOSS 375ml :

1 at Breakfast
1 between breakfast and lunch
1 at lunch
2 between lunch and dinner
1 after dinner
1 for the night

So I drink 7 VOSS bottles a day! This, I think is really good! The reason it's so easy for me to this is because it's more intersting than from a glass to drink from and tastes better than the tap or in plastic (in my opinion) and I always have one ready and filled at all times in my fridge! This means, I finish one, I refill it and let it chill and drink the other one in the meantime! Please remember to drink water or put a reminder on your phone like I do!

And last I will be covering vitamins! Obviously they have to be for your age group and not too strong! If they don't specify age and your a minor like me - I wouldn't risk it - go to a local store and et some for your age! If it doesn't specify dosage - take one very 24 hours! I take Evening Primrose Oil for emotional balance, Omega3 (which you find in fish) capsules because I'm not a big fan of fish! I also take a teens health chewy vitamin - just for all round health!

I hope this has been healthy - I would rather you paid attention to this particular blog post than any other of mine as this is so crucial! Come back next Sunday xx

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