Thursday 7 August 2014

The Liebster Award

Hi everyone! I would firstly like to add that I am really grateful to for nominating me for The Liebster Award! It was thoughtful and I thank her very much!

The rules for The Libster Award are as follows:

1.You must answer all questions that are given to you
2.Must link back to the person that nominated you 
3.Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4.Provide nominees with 11 questions of your choice
5.Cannot nominate the person who nominated you
6.Must inform nominees of your nomination 
7.Provide nominees with a link to your post for more info

The questions I was asked:

  1. If you could live with only one product for the rest of your life what would it be? The MAC moisture cover concealer in NC2O.
  2. What are your top 3 favourite bands/artists? The Vamps, Ariana Grande and Laura Marling.
  3. What is your favourite item of clothing that you own? I have many - but one would be my white H&M cropped top.
  4. What is your favourite country/city you have visited? I love France and New York.
  5. If you won millions in the lottery what would you do with the money? I would donate some to charity, save some for university or a house, give some to my family and maybe spend a small sum!?
  6. Who do you idolise? I do not idolise anyone (not because I'm vain) because I want to be my own person and no one is perfect!
  7. Who is your favourite fictional character? Howl from Howls' Moving Castle.
  8. What was the last book you read? The White Princess by Philippa Gregory
  9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Hopefully finishing a university course? still blogging, maybe making a lifestyle out of it!?
  10. What is your favourite memory? Meeting my best friend 6 years ago!
  11. What is your favourite blog? My Different Berry Lip Techniques blog!

My questions for those I nominate are:

1.What is the last blog you wrote?
2.Favourite clothes store?
3.Favourite book?
4.Have you ever dyed your hair?
5.If you could own only one lipstick - what would it be?
6.How many countries have you lived in?
7.What is you favourite colours to wear?
8.Do you wear concealer?
9.What is one product you would recommend to me?
10.Favourite song of the moment?
11.Do you have wavy, curly or straight hair?

I nominate:

Thank you for reading and good luck xx

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